I/ Introduction
This 2nd Tutorial will just show the basis of ripping technics, nothing more, by just using WinUAE & GfxRip.
Also, a big Thanks to x_to that explained me how to use Gfx rip, and gave me some tips ...
You may ask why... because many Gfx are loaded at the end of the memory ... imagine if you have about 100mo of memory ... ;).
When the game is ready, you had to choose what you would like to rip. For example, if you want Backgrounds gfx, start a new game.
When loading is finished, push F12 ( to enter in WinUAE ).
Choose "Misc" and click "Save state":
Then, a new window will appears, choose "Uncompressed" save, and click "Save":
Now, exit WinUAE, and launch 'GfxRip.exe'.
III/ How to Rip
Game ripping may be random ... sometimes, it is really easy, other time ... you guess :p
It really depends of the game you are ripping.
Choose your savestate ( eg: test.uss ) and click "Ok":
If you chose to do a try with Lionheart ( link on top ), you should see something like that:
If you played this game, you should understand what are thoses clouds ...
We are going to rip them.
1st, we need to change the X size.
- Use "Q" & "A" from your keyboard to change it.
- Press 9 times the "Q" key ( "A" for AZERTY keyboard ... ), and you will see something like this:
This is ugly naa ? Héhé, for sure !
Then, we need to adjust it again !
If you press "Q" again, you will see this:
But, where are the clouds !?
We need to change the Y offset, by using our "Arrowkeys" ( Up & Down )
Push "Down" key ( you can use Shift+Down to make it faster ) and reach something like that:
Ok, now, we can see the clouds again, but they look a bit strange :s
Continue to change the X size by pressing "Q", and you will see this:
Clouds look like a bit more nice. But still uncolored.
It's time to increase the "Bitplane" number. Use "E" & "D" keys to change it. ( Push one time "E" )
This will appears:
Ahhhh, ugly again ! Héhé, another thing we need to change, the "Mode" ( AM, ST, SP, C+, C- )
Push "M" key ( "," for AZERTY keyboards ) and you will see this:
Ah Ah ! Interesting !
Now, we know the "Cloud" uses ST "Mode", with 480 in Width.
But, what about the colors !? HUuum, stay cool;
If you remember, you are working with a "Savestate" from WinUAE.
This "Savestate" is the full Memory of your Computer ( Amiga emulated with WinUAE ) just before you taken it.
Also, palette data are stored ( not everytime ............. rrgggn ).
Next, change the "Palette Search" to S ( At this time, you can see E, 'Pal E' )
Use "Z" key ( "W" for AZERTY ) to get "Pal S"
Then, press "L" key, into have the good palette. You will find something like this:
Is it finished ?
The answer is no !
As you can see, still some strange colors ... ( Left border )
Also, the Y size is not good. Change it using "W" & "S" ( "Z" & "S" for AZERTY ).
And change the X offset using ArrowKeys ( LEFT - RIGHT )
NOW it is finished :) Just save your final colored Gfx using "P" key:
( Let pictured in X & Y to 1 ! )
Here the final Gfx:
Well done !
III/ Extra
If you change again the X size, you will find this:
Now, try to rip the montains, in order to find this:
( think about the Bitplane ... try to change it ... the X size ... the X offset ... )
You can download a video showing this here: Video Tutorial